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Hub-Link Commands v1.031 July 16, 2004
Commands sent to the Hub-Link Bot as PM's
Command entered by User User Level Description Command Sent to Bot
HIDEOPCHAT Op Stops sending of Hub-Link OpChat to this Op Interpreted directly by the script, ignored by the bot
SHOWOPCHAT Op Resumes sending of Hub-Link OpChat to this Op Interpreted directly by the script, ignored by the bot
***  The Command Prefix is determined by the Hub-Link Bot Settings.     '+' is shown here for clarity
+HIDEADMINCHAT NetAdmin Disable AdminChat for this User.

+SHOWADMINCHAT NetAdmin Enable AdminChat for this User.

+CHANGEPASS <NEWPASS> User All users can send this command to change THEIR OWN password. $@CPW <USERNAME> <NEWPASS>|

Sent by the Bot to all ULS Hubs.
+CHANGEUSERPASS <USER> <NEWPASS> NetAdmin Change a Users password for them. $@CUP <OPNAME> <USERNAME> <NEWPASS>|

+GETIP <USERNAME> User Only OPs or greater can execute this command with a <USERNAME>. Regular users can only get their own IP#. $@GIP <OPNAME> <USERNAME>|

Sent by the Bot to the Hub that <USERNAME> is connected to.
+GETNICK <USERIP> User Only OPs or greater can execute this command. $@GNK <OPNAME> <USERIP>|

Sent by the Bot to all ULS Hubs.
+LISTTBANS <HUB#> Op Lists all the Temp. Bans. Ops can only see their own hub. Network Ops/Admins see the lists for all ULS hubs. $@LTB <OPNAME>|

Sent by the Bot back to connected hub for Ops or to all ULS hubs for Network Ops/Admins. Optional <HUB#> parm allows Ops/Admins to get the list for a specific Hub.
+LISTPBANS <HUB#> Op Lists all the Perm. Bans. Ops can only see their own hub. Network Ops/Admins see the lists for all ULS hubs. $@LPB <OPNAME>|

Sent by the Bot back to connected hub for Ops or to all ULS hubs for Network Ops/Admins. Optional <HUB#> parm allows Ops/Admins to get the list for a specific Hub.
+CLEARTBANS <HUB#> Op Clear the Temp. Ban List. Ops can only clear their own hub. Network Ops/Admins clear Temp. Bans for all ULS hubs. $@CTB <OPNAME>|

Sent by the Bot back to connected hub for Ops or to all ULS hubs for Network Ops/Admins. Optional <HUB#> parm allows Ops/Admins to clear the list for a specific Hub.
+CLEARPBANS <HUB#> NetAdmin Clear the Perm. Ban List. Ops can only clear their own hub. Network Admins clear Perm. Bans for all ULS hubs. $@CPB <OPNAME>|

Sent by the Bot back to connected hub for Ops or to all ULS hubs for Network Admins. Optional <HUB#> parm allows Admins to clear the list for a specific Hub.
+IRCKICK <IRCUSER> <REASON> Op Kicks a User in the IRC Channel

+TBAN <IPADDRESS> Op Add a Temp. ban for an IP address (No partials/ranges). Ops can only ban in their own hub. Network Ops/Admins ban for all ULS hubs. $@TBN <OPNAME> <IPADDRESS>|

Sent by the Bot back to connected hub for Ops or to all ULS hubs for Network Ops/Admins.
+PBAN <IPADDRESS> NetAdmin Add a Perm. ban for an IP address (No partials/ranges). Only available for Network Admins. $@PBN <ADMINNAME> <IPADDRESS>|

Sent by the Bot to all ULS hubs.
+PNAMEBAN <USER> <REASON> NetAdmin Add a Perm. ban for <BANNAME>. Only available for Network Admins. $@PNB <OPNAME> <BANNAME> <REASON>|

Sent by the Bot to all ULS hubs.
+TNAMEBAN <USER> <TIME> <REASON> Op Add a Temp. ban for <BANNAME>. Ops can only ban in their own hub. Network Ops/Admins ban for all ULS hubs. $@TNB <OPNAME> <BANNAME> <TIME> <REASON>|

Sent by the Bot to all ULS hubs.
+REG <USERNAME> <PASSWORD> NetAdmin Registers a new user. Only available for Network Admins. $@REG <OPNAME> <USERNAME> <PASSWORD>|

Sent by the Bot to all ULS hubs. The Bot also informs all other Network Admins currently online at ULS hubs about the attempt to register a new user.
+DEREG <USERNAME> NetAdmin Removes a registered user. Only available for Network Admins. $@DRG <OPNAME> <USERNAME> <PASSWORD>|

Sent by the Bot to all ULS hubs.  The Bot also informs all other Network Admins currently online at ULS hubs about the attempt to remove a registered user. Only works on users below Network Admin.
+VIP <USERNAME> NetAdmin Grants VIP status to a user in all ULS hubs. Only available for Network Admins. $@VIP <OPNAME> <USERNAME>|

Sent by the Bot to all ULS hubs.
+DEVIP <USERNAME> NetAdmin Removes Operator status from a user in all ULS hubs. Only available for Network Admins. $@DVP <OPNAME> <USERNAME>|

Sent by the Bot to all ULS hubs. Only works on users below Network Admin.
+HUBLIST User Shows all the hubs set up in Hub-Link. Only available for Network Ops/Admins.

Returns the following info: Hub#, Prefix, Connection Status, Address:Port
+MAXUSERS <HUB#> <#OFUSERS> NetAdmin Sets the Max Users value. Only available for Network Admins. $@MAX <OPNAME> <#OFUSERS>|

Sent by the Bot to <HUB#>.
+REDIR <HUB#> <REDIRADDRESS:PORT> NetAdmin Set the Redirect address. Only available to Network Admins. $@RDR <OPNAME> <REDIRADDRESS>|

Sent by the Bot to <HUB#>.
+JOINMSG <HUB#> <MESSAGE> NetAdmin Changes the OnJoin/MOTD message for the Hub. $@UJM <OPNAME> <MESSAGE>|

+MASSPM <MESSAGE> Op Sends a PM to all Users on all Hubs. $@MPM <FROMUSER> <MESSAGE>|

+JUMPTO <HUB#> Op Allows a Network OP/Admin to quickly redirect him/herself to another linked hub.

+OP <USERNAME> NetAdmin Grants Operator status to a user in all ULS hubs. Only available for Network Admins. $@OPU <OPNAME> <USERNAME>|

Sent by the Bot to all ULS hubs.
+DEOP <USERNAME> NetAdmin Removes Operator status from a user in all ULS hubs. Only available for Network Admins. $@DOP <OPNAME> <USERNAME>|

Sent by the Bot to all ULS hubs. Only works on users below Network Admin.
+NOP <USERNAME> NetAdmin Grants Network Operator status to a user. Only available for Network Admins. $@NOP <OP/BOTNAME> <NEWNETOP>|

Only Sent to PtokaX Scripted Hubs.
+DENOP <USERNAME> NetAdmin Removes Network Operator status from a user. Only available for Network Admins. $@DNP <OP/BOTNAME> <DELNETOP>|

Only Sent to PtokaX Scripted Hubs.
+LISTNOPS User Returns a list of all the users with Network Operator status. Available to Ops and Network Ops/Admins

+LISTNADMINS User Returns a list of all the users with Network Admin status. Available to Ops and Network Ops/Admins

+HUBINFO <HUB#> Op Returns info about <HUB#> in a PM to the User. If <HUB#> is not specified then all connected and scripted hubs are queried. $@HNF <OPNAME>|

+USERINFO <USERNAME> Op Returns info about <USERNAME> in a PM to the User. $@UNF <OPNAME> <USERNAME>|

+GETLIST <HUB#> <CLASS> NetAdmin Returns a list of UserNames registered on <HUB#> whose User Class is <CLASS> $@LST <ADMINNAME> <CLASS>|

When <ADMINNAME> is the Bot the response is $#LST command, otherwise it is sent directly to <ADMINNAME> as a PM.

NO REMOTE COMMAND GUI Advice of GUI activity to Add Network Admin. $@NAD <BOTNAME> <NEWNETADMINNAME>|

Only Sent to PtokaX Scripted Hubs.
NO REMOTE COMMAND GUI Advice of GUI activity to Delete Network Admin. $@DNA <BOTNAME> <DELNETADMINNAME>|

Only Sent to PtokaX Scripted Hubs.
+ADDCHATBLOCK <C/S> <TEXT> NetAdmin Adds <TEXT> to the list of blocked Chat/PM strings.
C - for messages containing <TEXT>
S - for messages starting with <TEXT>

+REMCHATBLOCK <TEXT> NetAdmin Remove <TEXT> from the list of blocked Chat/PM strings.

+LISTCHATBLOCKS NetOp Lists all Blocked Chat/PM strings.

+ADDNAMEBLOCK <USERNAME> NetAdmin Adds <USERNAME> to the list of blocked Users.

+REMNAMEBLOCK <USERNAME> NetAdmin Remove <USERNAME> from the list of blocked Users.

+LISTNAMEBLOCKS NetOp Lists all blocked Users.